Carbon Reduction Plan
MLP is committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 at the latest. Furthermore, MLP has subscribed to Zellar to support the measurement and reduction of our carbon emissions footprint
2. Baseline Emissions
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured. MLP has not previously assessed or reported emissions. As 2022 is our first reporting period, we will use this year as our baseline going forward.
Zellar is currently reviewing our current baseline with a report being produced in March 2023 and shared on this page along with details of our emissions and formalised plan.
3. Emission reduction targets
To continue our progress towards achieving net zero, we have will validated, data-based targets over a 5-year period from 2023 to 2028. These will be discussed and developed with Zellar as we collaborate to enhance our understanding of our Carbon Emissions across each scope. We will aim to reduce carbon emissions over the next five years for each scope and demonstrate this by committing to a % reduction.
4. Carbon Reduction Projects Planned
It is our aim to ensure our environmental commitments become an integral part of our day-to-day activities, that we seek ways to continually improve our environmental performance and operate in a responsible manner including reducing waste and making reductions in our carbon emissions from partnerships, heat, power, and travel. To achieve our commitment to Carbon Net Zero, MLP will:
- Implementing a central reporting mechanism using the Zellar scorecard to allow senior management to be informed about environmental issues within the organisation and achievements made in mitigating the overall environmental impact.
- Allocate an internal carbon champion.
- Minimise our contribution to pollution by reducing our carbon emissions and waste together with recycling, reusing, and reducing wherever possible.
- Selecting the most appropriate form of travel considering carbon emissions as well as other business factors; and only travel when necessary.
- The development of a bike-to-work team, an electric car scheme for staff and purchasing of electric and hybrid cars for our fleet with onsite charging facilities
- Expanding the availability and use of new technologies to allow for changes in behaviour particularly around travel, e.g., greater use of video conferencing and expanding the ‘virtualisation’ of IT systems.
- Assess the adverse effects our operations/partnerships may have on the environment and seek ways to minimise them.
- Introduce a supplier selection process that assesses selection based on environmental impact.
- Promote environmental awareness to all suppliers & staff including the induction of new staff and promote and acknowledge sustainable choices..
5. Carbon Reduction Initiatives Completed
MLP is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations and will ensure that all is done to mitigate climate change and the adverse impact this has on the world. We are committed to complying with applicable legislation and will share achievements with all stakeholders in and outside the organisation, The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented already.
- MLP have allocated a Carbon Champion within the business
- MLP is a hybrid business whose employees occasionally travel for business purposes. Over 2022, we have been conscious of the impact car travel makes upon the environment and have only travelled by this method when necessary. MLP have an electric/hybrid fleet of vehicles with onsite charging. We will be working to reduce this further and encourage the use of fully electric vehicles or public transport.
- We have a healthy supply chain statement in place and check new suppliers green/sustainability to ensure their goals align with our own initiatives.
6. Responsibilities
All colleagues are responsible for complying with our plan and supporting our efforts to minimise our impact on the environment.
Management and all those in a supervisory role have the responsibility for implementing the Carbon Reduction Plan within their areas of responsibility and should ensure that environmental issues are given adequate consideration in the planning and execution of our operations and services.
7. Law and Regulations
We will ensure we operate within all environmental, legal, and other requirements as imposed by UK law and best practice.
This plan can be shared with external stakeholders including members of the public and commissioners.
8. Review and maintenance and sign off
This Plan must be exercised on an annual basis and reviewed annually. Our Carbon Reduction Plan will:
- Be published on our website.
- Be signed off by our Board.
- Confirm commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 (at the latest).
- Detail our greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with the GHG Protocol.
- Detail the environmental management measures that we will be taking to reduce our carbon footprint.
We will be going above and beyond regulatory requirements to measure our entire scope 1,2 and 3 emissions and will be developing a more detailed carbon reduction strategy with an aim to achieve Net Zero much sooner than 2050.
Signed: Simon Jamieson
Position: Managing Director
Date: February 2023