VIP Event

Sage (the business software people) hosted one of their first VIP events (post-covid) and asked us if we could create something that guests could take home with them. Sage’s whole ethos is about helping businesses ‘boss it’ – reducing stress and keeping businesses on top form.

They wanted to do something small and impactful yet socially conscious, so we created a branded Rubik’s cube for all 250 guests. Rubik’s cubes are famed to be a great de-stressor – we then decided to go a step further and gave all guests the chance to pick up a gift from our Sage Surprizes site. By scanning a QR code within the box, guests were then given the option of a gift linked back to the themes of looking after your mind, body, and soul.

We partnered up with Headspace (Mind), Neom (Body), and Trees for Cities (Soul), where guests got to choose either a 12-month Headspace membership, a Neom giftset, or a donation to Trees for Cities.

